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The Top 5 Reasons You Should Spend Time Around a Horse

Writer's picture: Sara N HersheySara N Hershey

Maybe you're scared of horses, or maybe you think they are smelly, or maybe you've never had the chance to be around horses, or maybe you are around horses all the time. This blog is to encourage you (or remind you) why it's so beneficial to spend time around horses!

1. Horses have a calming effect.

Rhythm is in a horse's nature. Whether you are listening to the sound of a horse munching hay or walking around horseback, a horse is rhythmic in all it does. This can lull us into a state of calm and help to lower our blood pressure as written here by the American Heart Association. Horses also have a much lower heart rate than us, averaging between 28 and 40 beats per minute (bpm), where as the average human heart rate is 60 to 100 bpm. This alone slows our bodies down when we are grooming or leading a horse around.

2. Horses are confidence boosters.

This is especially true if you start out scared of horses, but whether you start scared or are a top level trainer, convincing a 1000 pound horse to partner with you is powerful. Brandon and I both experience the confidence boost from horses when we accomplish a new training technique or get a horse struggling with a particular maneuver to overcome the hurdle. We also love to watch kids and adults go from timid and full of self-doubt to holding their head up high being proud of what they have accomplished with their equine partner. The little 6 year old girl pictured above LOVED horses. She gained so much confidence being able to ride 99 around the arena all by herself. She loved leading him back to the barn, brushing him, and taking care of him. She learned so much each time she came out for a lesson. The best part about horses boosting our confidence is that it carries over into our day to day life! If you can accomplish something out of your comfort zone with a horse, you can do it at home or school or your job too!

3. Horses help you get plenty of exercise.

I don't know about you, but I'd much rather feel like I got a workout from a good, long ride on my horse, Booger than having to do push ups, sit ups, and squats. From cleaning stalls to feeding, grooming, saddling, and riding, everything you do with a horse will require physical activity. You will gain muscle and find yourself in better health! Not only will your activity with your horse get you healthier, but as you work on becoming a better horseman, you will most likely find yourself inspired to work on your health in your kitchen and in the gym as well so you can ride even more proficiently.

4. Horses teach self awareness.

Every part of working with a horse requires awareness. We need to be aware of where our body is in relation to the horse's body. This is true whether you are leading a horse to the barn or if you're riding. Often times, when teaching a beginner to ride, they will be confused the horse is turning or going faster, not aware that the rider is using their legs to push on the horse. We need to be aware of our emotions, if we are feeling nervous, happy, hyper, or angry. We need to be aware of how we are communicating with the horse. If the horse doesn't receive the communication well, then we need to be aware of how we can alter the communication to make sense to the horse. Personally, I have seen horses impact the awareness of my emotions, what my body is doing, the body language of other people, and my communication skills.

5. Horses teach responsibility and time management.

Whether you're a free-spirited adult (like me) or a young kid just learning the ways of the world, horse will help you to be more conscious of getting things done right in a timely matter. Your day will have to include time to care for and exercise your horse. You will be responsible for making sure your horse had feed and water. You'll have to schedule annual vet and equine dentist appointments, and you'll have to schedule your farrier regularly. There's something powerful that happens when we have animals and other people relying on us for their wellbeing. It's empowering! Now, I know there's the stereotype of "barn time" and you're always at the barn longer than you planned, and that's true! But, that's due to how fun horses are, not because of poor time management ;)


For real though, horses are SO much fun! From trail riding on a sunny fall day to taking a horse to a rodeo or show to using a horse for work on a ranch to brushing a horse and braiding its tail. Whatever you do with horses, I am sure you will feel your mood lighten the more time you spend around horses! So grab a buddy, head outside, and find a horse to love on!

If you are in Northwest Oklahoma and need some horse-y time, let Brandon and I know! We would be happy to help you purchase a horse or do beginner groundwork lessons at our Homestead.

Happy Trails! Sara

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