I originally wrote this as a note to God, and a reminder to myself sometime in 2016 or 2017. During that time, I had the privilege of attending Rincon Valley Cowboy Church several times under the teaching of Pastor Joe Grizzle while I was preparing for Mustangs on a Mission. Here is my original praise to God:
Father thank you for the revelation you gave me today. Just as Paul was not persecuting only the people but Jesus himself, every time I judge, compare, or compete with others, I not only persecute God’s image in that person... I am persecuting Jesus himself. When I can set aside my pride and selfishness to see Jesus in every person, then I can live in and out Christ’s love. Pastor Joe said there’s one thing that matters most about me: How do I think of God? Is He a big God? Is He a little God? Is He in a box? The way we view God is the way we will believe in Him in trials. If my view of God is of Him being a small, human God then I will not trust in Him to have known what He was doing creating me as I am. If I can change my perspective and see Him as the big God He is, then I will trust Him, His creation, and have eternity vision instead of tunnel vision. We are called to go up to the top of the mountain! “Go on up to a high mountain, O Zion, herald of good news; lift up your voice with strength, O Jerusalem, herald of good news; lift it up, fear not; say to the cities of Judah, "Behold your God!"”(Isaiah 40:9 ESV) If Paul ruled from prison then we can too! That’s our fight: a fight for Christ in whatever prison we are in.
My friends, whatever your prison is, be it feeling trapped in your house during covid, the pain of a broken relationship, financial struggles after the loss of a job, addiction in some form or fashion, I encourage you to seek the Lord. Cry out to him, praise Him for the good you have in your life (even if it is simply the breath you are taking in that moment). Work hard to see Jesus in every person you meet, especially the difficult ones. Love people regardless of their political views.
Pray for your enemies, not just a halfway sort of prayer to check it off your list, but pray for them as fiercely as you pray to God to help in your own life. Be a light in the darkness of the world and to be a light you need to be confident in who your Creator designed you to be and what His purpose is for you. People will fail you but God never will!
Love you all! Let me know how I can pray for you and with you!