Six months ago, I could count the number of times I had ridden a horse and that number included the fairground ponies I rode as a child. I was born with a passion for horses but that passion did not come without an underlying fear of losing control. Opportunities to learn to ride were unavailable to me during my city dwelling years, but when I finally had opportunities to ride during college, I let my fear and lack of experience stop me before I had the chance to be bucked off (I watched too many Westerns growing up). Then, I was faced with Sara’s inspirational words, “If you aren’t riding a horse every day, you’re not going on The Ride,” which scared me more than being bucked off! Perfect love knows no fear, so I gave it up to The Lord with a prayer to learn to ride quicker than any other person has. He answered my plea, but there’s still much to learn… Sometimes the hard way teaches you best.
Two Moons is a Wyoming White appy
And today, he truly isn’t happy
But it’s time to ride straight up the trail
It was then my face turned very pale
I looked up to branches scratching my hat
For a moment I didn’t know where I was at
My spooked speckled pony
Was no longer below me
He scooted to the left while my saddle stayed right
Then I realized I better hold on tight
Riding a horse beside you isn’t quite easy
So I bailed before he ejected me
Among the yucca and rocky terrain
I hit the ground with little pain
I turned to see a bucking Two Moons
And feared the imminent wounds
With thundering hooves he disappeared over the hill
Only to be found by God’s good will
My partner Sara went seeking
Through my fingers I was peaking
Out of the gulch came my mustang colored blood, blood red
Covered in gashes but at least he wasn’t dead
We started for the vet where this story ends well
But there’s something I mustn’t forget to tell,
Some lessons you learn the hard way
And this time it was Two Moons who had to pay
From this I hope you can glean a pinch
And always remember to tighten your cinch!

This poem was written by Miss Olivia Maxwell and posted on the Mustangs on a Mission website.